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Contact RUF Gather Events

Contact RUF Gather Events

I am a(n) . . .

If you need a refund:

Please contact your Campus Minister, Campus Staff, or Intern to request a refund. I need authorization from them to process a refund, so they should contact me. Thanks!
Before submitting a refund request, please check on your event page FAQs to see if there is a refund policy listed. If there is not, please check with the RUF staff member who organized/coordinated the event to see if refunds are still able to be given. (If final numbers have already been given to the venue, it is probably too late to give a refund, unless you prefer for the refund to come from your campus account).

Coupon (Scholarship) Code Request

NOTE: HERE are a number of current coupons that may be used. If you need an additional coupon, please complete the request below. Coupons can be either a percentage discount (e.g. 50% off) or a fixed amount discount (e.g. $10 off).
If you don't specify an expiration date, we will set the expiration for the end of your event.
If you don't specify a specific code, we'll use something like "your campus & discount amount" (e.g. PITT30off).

If you need an event set up on Gather:

Please complete the Conference Details Form. Thanks!