We never let money or lack of it be the reason you can’t participate in RUF.  If you need help covering the $100 cost of Winter Retreat, we’d love to help you out.  If you need financial assistance to attend the Winter Retreat, please contact Ben at [email protected] before you complete the registration process.

Once the registration deadline comes, we’ll create a Winter Retreat 2022 GroupMe and will add all registered students into it.  Then we’ll post details like packing lists, weekend schedules, caravan instructions, etc.  You’ll get all of that information about a week ahead of the retreat.

There’s a place on the form where you can let us know you need a ride and we’ll help arrange one for you!

It costs $100 and that covers dinner on Friday and Saturday nights, breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and lunch on Saturday.  It also includes all lodging, recreation fees, speaker fees, etc.  Depending on who you drive back with, you will probably want to bring some money for a fast food lunch on the way back to Athens on Sunday.

Dinner on Friday night is from 7-8pm.  As such, you should plan to arrive at RidgeHaven sometime between 6-7pm so you can unpack, settle into your cabin, and make your way to the Dining Hall.  The first session begins at 8pm Friday night and the last session ends at 11:30a Sunday morning.

Seriously, you’re not alone.  A lot of newer students come on Winter Retreat not knowing many people and leave–every year–with a bunch of new friends.  Everything we do on this weekend is specifically designed to help you easily connect with other students and get to know them better.