Talk to your campus minister/staff if you need a scholarship.

This is a 2-night retreat in the mountains of Estes Park, Colorado, so make sure you have some warm clothes for each day. Daytime highs will be around 75°F and nighttime lows will be around 45°F. Don’t hesitate to get a hold of your campus minister, campus staff, or intern if you have any questions or concerns about what to pack!

  • *** Pillow, sleeping bag, blanket and/or sheet for your bedding (mattress provided)

  • Clothes (layers, warm clothes/jacket/shoes, shorts, etc.),
  • Athletic clothes (for Saturday outdoor activities, hiking, sports, etc.),
  • Raincoat or some type of rain gear in case of bad weather,
  • Medicines (Camp Timberline does not have a medical facility. If you have Asthma or serious allergies, remember to bring your medicine!),
  • Towel, toiletries, soap, shampoo,
  • Personal Items (creature-comforts, cards, board-games, sports stuff, etc.),
  • Flashlight or headlamp, Sunglasses and hat, Nalgene or other water bottle (must have if you’re going on the group hike)
  • Pen, Bible, paper or notebook for taking notes
  • Snacks for the drive up and back 
  • CASH for road-trip snacks, Sunday lunch, and to buy RUF swag and books.

Talk to your campus minister for Carpool details.

$125. 2 nights, 5 meals, outdoor activities, amazing teaching, and multi-campus fellowship!
T-shirts are an additional $10.

NLT 4pm on Friday, 6 October

Yes! SCA# – 202304903